
目前显示的是 一月, 2021的博文

The number of active iPhone users reaches 1 billion, a surge of 100 million in a year

Apple released its quarterly financial report. Apple said that the number of active iPhone users has exceeded 1 billion, which is a milestone symbolizing Apple's major success. Apple announced its first quarter financial report. Apple CEO Tim Cook pointed out that there are currently more than 1.65 billion Apple devices in active use. In 2016, Apple sold 1 billion iPhones. In January 2019, the number of active iPhone users reached 900 million. By the end of 2020, the number of active iPhone users increased to 1 billion. According to foreign media "The Verge" quoting Apple's calculation method, users who have used Apple services in the past 90 days are considered to be active. Apple also set the highest revenue record in history in this quarter. The iPhone 12 series in the first half of the quarter was postponed to holiday sales, which allowed a large number of users to upgrade from existing iPhone models. The iPhone’s sales in the last quarter of 2020 reached 65 billi...

Realme Race Pro's new flagship machine world's first with a 160Hz refresh rate screen

When Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon 888 in early December last year, the Chinese mobile phone brand realme was one of the manufacturers that would adopt this flagship processor. A few days ago, realme vice president Xu Qi revealed in Weibo in response to netizens'questions that this flagship phone may be launched in March. It is reported that the flagship phone Xu Qi is referring to is the realme Race Pro. In addition to using the Snapdragon 888 processor, it will also be equipped with 12GB LPDDR5 RAM and a 5,000mAh battery, and it will provide the world's highest power 125W fast charging solution.  Another selling point of realme Race Pro will be its 6.8-inch OLED screen with a resolution of up to 3,200 x 1,400. It is the world's first mobile phone that supports a screen refresh rate of up to 160Hz. Read: Which is the Best Way to Use Multiple Accounts on Android

Netflix update for Android   supports studio-level sound effects

Netflix has benefited from the epidemic, and its global users have exceeded the 200 million mark. In order to attract more users, Netflix announced an update for the Android program to enhance the user's listening experience. After the Android version of Netflix users update the program, it will support xHE-AAC audio decoding, that is, sound effects like "studio quality" and support more stable sound output effects. According to a report from the foreign technology website The Verge, Netflix has confirmed that it has upgraded the Android version and introduced xHE-AAC audio coding. The new xHE-AAC audio decoder supports variable bit rate. When users watch movies on Netflix, they can get better sound quality in a faster connection environment. At the same time, Netflix has also updated its dynamic volume control capabilities. The program will automatically balance the difference between high and low volume. For example, when the film is followed by a stimulating chase scen...

Huawei P50 series may be released as soon as the end of March

Huawei's sanctions by the United States did not hinder its determination to continue to develop its mobile phone business. According to a quote from the report, Huawei has not given up on the development of its mobile phone business so far, and currently retains some mobile mobile processors, which are expected to be equipped in future models such as P50 and Mate50. According to reports, Huawei’s future P50 is expected to be equipped with a Kirin 9000E processor, while Huawei’s P50 Pro and Pro+ are equipped with a Kirin 9000 processor and a 120Hz+2K resolution AMOLED screen. The camera is designed with a 4-lens architecture. The lens maintains 50 million pixels.  The Chinese local version of the Huawei P50 series will be pre-installed with the Hongmeng OS system at the factory, while the overseas version will continue to be pre-installed with the EMUI system.  It is expected that Huawei’s P50 series of mobile phones will continue to feature "fashionable appearance" and ...

Ringkasan perkiraan rantai pasokan iPhone 13: poni sempit / sidik jari layar / 120Hz

Pada 25 Januari, menurut berita rantai pasokan hulu, iPhone13 telah diambil sampelnya di Foxconn dan mungkin memiliki fitur utama berikut. iPhone 13 mungkin diberi nama iPhone 12S Lubang suara bergeser dari layar ke bingkai tengah, dan poni menjadi lebih sempit Mendukung teknologi pengenalan sidik jari di bawah layar, Touch ID kembali Teknologi lensa bawah layar akan dipopulerkan tahun ini, dan iPhone baru akan menjadi ponsel takik terakhir Tambahkan teknologi LTPO ke layar dan dukung kecepatan refresh dinamis 120Hz Sensor LiDAR standar Sebuah laporan DigiTimes menunjukkan bahwa Foxconn dan LG Innotek dari Korea Selatan akan menyediakan modul ID Wajah baru, sedangkan modul kamera depan diharapkan akan disediakan oleh O-Film, dan iluminator banjir inframerah, sensor dan proyektor dot-matrix akan digabungkan menjadi satu modul. Saat ini, berita rantai pasokan menunjukkan bahwa "poni yang lebih kecil" adalah prediksi yang relatif kredibel, selain itu, Guo Mingchi menunjukkan bah...

wechat 8.0 更新:動態表情/個人狀態/新浮窗

 日前,微信 iOS 版 8.0 正式版發布,增加動態表情,浮窗改動,支持設置自定義狀態。 微信表示,為豐富用戶在微信的表達方式,微信 8.0 對小表情進行了升級,當用戶在聊天中發送或者接收單個小表情,會播放動畫效果。部分小表情動畫效果可全屏播放。 自定義狀態 QQ 一直有各種狀態,現在微信 8.0 版本也可以設置狀態了,包括 5 個分類,細分 21 個常規狀態以及 1 個自定義狀態。如果對方已更新版本,可以看到你設置的狀態,並點贊互動。 浮窗 微信浮窗支持將收藏筆記,文件預覽等頁面設為浮窗。新版本中,微信浮窗大改,並取消了此前最多支持 5 個文檔或筆記設為浮窗的限制。 此外,微信 8.0 上線前還開放了紅包封面平台的能力,配置封面故事時,可直接選擇已發表的視頻號內容。 更多閱讀: WeChat將推出自有輸入法

A12 appears on iPhone XS, XR and your car

In fact, in addition to iPhone XS and XR, Apple's A12 processor is also used on the fifth-generation iPad Mini, the third-generation iPad Air and the eighth-generation iPad, and of course there are two generations of the iPad Pro. But in the next step, Apple may use this chip in the automotive industry. According to a report by analyst Colin Barnden, he believes that Apple will use its A12 processor to make a chip for in-car interaction and artificial intelligence systems. He named this chip C1.  Of course, all this is just speculation, but considering that more and more mobile device processors are appearing in newly-listed in-vehicle systems, and CES 2021 will suddenly make in-car interactive intelligence a hot spot, Colin believes that Apple will eventually put itself The processor developed is used in vehicles and even sold out. This approach is in line with Apple as a Tier 1 supplier, but because it is not known how Apple will enter the automotive industry (build its own car? ...

天璣 1200 亮相,Redmi 遊戲手機將首發搭載

 2021 年 1 月 20 日,聯發科技舉辦天璣新品線上發布會,正式發布全新的天璣旗艦 5G 移動芯片——天璣 1200。 Redmi 品牌總經理盧偉冰亮相發布會,正式宣布 Redmi 將首發旗艦平台天璣 1200,並在 2021 年發力電競領域,推出 Redmi 首款旗艦遊戲手機。 全新的天璣1200 基於台積電6 納米工藝製造,CPU 採用1+3+4 的旗艦級三叢架構設計,包含1 個主頻高達3.0GHz 的Arm Cortex-A78 超大核,搭配九核GPU 和六核MediaTek APU 3.0,以及雙通道UFS 3.1,平台性能大幅提升。集成 MediaTek 5G 調製解調器,通過包涵 6 大維度、72 個場景測試的德國萊茵 TÜV Rheinland 認證,支持高性能 5G 連接,帶給用戶全場景的高品質 5G 連網體驗。 天璣 1200 針對遊戲表現進行了專項優化,搭載了全新升級的 MediaTek HyperEngine 3.0 遊戲優化引擎,在網絡、操控、智能負載、畫質表現上帶來了諸多創新技術。 HyperEngine 3.0 的網絡優化引擎在 5G 網絡連接下可實現遊戲通話雙卡並行,超級熱點和高鐵遊戲模式則針對不同的遊戲環境進行網絡優化,有效降低遊戲網絡延遲和卡頓。 HyperEngine 3.0 操控優化引擎確保多指觸控時報點率以穩定的高幀運行,率先支持即將發布的藍牙 LE Audio(Bluetooth Low Energy Audio,藍牙低功耗音頻)標準。智能負載調控引擎新增遊戲高刷省電、智能健康充電、Wi-Fi 6 省電模式,平衡性能與功耗、延長續航和電池壽命。 此外,MediaTek HyperEngine 佈局光線追踪(Ray Tracing),將端遊級遊戲渲染帶入移動終端,為遊戲廠商、開發者、終端提供強大的圖形處理能力。 在影像體驗上,天璣1200 可實現最高2 億像素拍照,支持MediaTek 先進的AI 多媒體技術,包括急速夜拍、三重曝光的單幀逐行4K HDR 視頻技術(Staggered HDR)、AI SDR 轉HDR 技術。 盧偉冰表示,Redmi 首款旗艦遊戲手機將搭載天璣 1200 SoC,且會具有不錯的性價比。 更多閱讀: clone app是什麼?

Tik Tok launches payment function

The Douyin(Tik Tok) payment function is officially launched in the Douyin APP. When users purchase goods in Douyin, in addition to choosing Alipay and WeChat payment, there is an additional "Tik Tok Pay" entrance. It is reported that at present, Douyin Pay supports the binding of ten bank cards, including Agricultural Bank, Construction Bank, Bank of China, Postal Savings Bank, Bank of Communications, China Merchants Bank, etc. When using Douyin to pay for payment, the user needs to perform real-name authentication, enter the name and ID number and other information, and then bind the card. You can bind a savings card and a credit card. After the card is tied, the user can complete the payment via Douyin. payment. According to the account service agreement of Douyin Payment, the functions of Douyin payment mainly include recharge, withdrawal, transfer and inquiry, etc. The services are provided by Wuhan Hezhong Yibao Technology Co., Ltd. After the user agrees to open Douyin p...


 1 月 19 日晚,張小龍在微信公開課 Pro 上表示,為了更好地隱私保護,微信將推出自有輸入法。 張小龍稱,「我們會經常收到投訴,說微信暴露聊天記錄,聊完天其他app 就有對應的廣告,但其實微信不會看用戶的聊天記錄,我們從來不會去分析用戶的聊天記錄,即便因此損失了很多廣告收入。」 張小龍還表示,「微信的技術團隊,就是機器語義理解的團隊,說微信自己做輸入法可能會做的更好的時候,我是當然很贊成的。因為至少,在安全性方面,我們可以做的足夠好。我們的目標不是一下子獲取多少用戶。因為輸入法是文字表達的入口,並且輸入法必然越來越智能,可能出現新的輸入形態,所以還是值得投入去做的。」 微信輸入法或許會有更新,將做自己的輸入法。張小龍表示,微信原來並不想去做輸入法,但收到很多用戶投訴自己聊天記錄被竊取,因為輸入什麼就會看到相應的廣告。他解釋道,微信不保存聊天記錄,微信也規定誰看了用戶的聊天記錄會被開除的。所以,出於保護用戶的隱私,微信就要自己做一個輸入法。 不過騰訊QQ本周一在其網上問答平台知乎的官方號回應,近日接獲反映該即時通訊軟件桌面電腦版本讀取瀏覽器歷史紀錄,經安全團隊調查,發現有關做法確實存在,目的是判斷本地客戶端中是否存在惡意登錄的情況。該即時通訊軟件強調,所有相關數據不會上傳至雲端,不會儲存,也不會用於任何其他用途。 軟件所屬的騰訊公司亦致歉,表示內部正梳理歷史問題並強化用戶數據訪問規範,已更換了檢測惡意和異常請求的技術邏輯,以解決上述安全風險問題,並發布全新電腦版本軟件。 所以微信接下來怎麼做,還得看用戶的態度。 更多閱讀: Clone App如何幫助您在Android設備上運行多個賬戶

小米米聊將於 2 月 19 日停止服務

今日,小米旗下米聊發佈公告宣布將於2021年2月19日12點00分停止服務 。據公告,用戶需在停服前自行導出聊天記錄及個人資料等信息(安卓v8.8.70及以上版本支持批量導出),停服後將無法導出用戶在米聊內的任何信息。 米聊的前身是小米通,主打也是社交通訊,2010年12月10日,小米僅僅用了不到2個月的時間,發布了米聊。當時官方稱米聊是一款跨通信運營商的手機端免費即時通訊工具,通過手機網絡就能夠和好友進行信息溝通和收發圖片。但隨著騰訊隨後上線微信,在微信後發競爭下,捷足先登的米聊無法保證優勢,一步步落後。 2012年5月,雷軍公開承認米聊被微信打敗了。 據悉,小米成立之初,小米手機、米聊和MIUI系統這三大產品被雷軍視為小米的“鐵人三項”。米聊的推出甚至要稍早於微信,早期也曾迅速積累了大量用戶。雷軍曾表示,當初做米聊是與騰訊賭時間差,如果騰訊一年後才有所反應,米聊勝率是50%,如果騰訊兩三個月就有反應,米聊可能100%會死掉。 公告表示:將在2021 年2 月1 日12 點00 分: 停止賬號註冊、消息收發;2021 年2 月19 日12 點00 分:停止米聊登錄,並關閉服務器,屆時及以後將無法登錄和使用米聊。請用戶在停服前自行導出聊天記錄及個人資料等信息,停服後將無法導出用戶在米聊內的任何信息。 更多閱讀: Clone App:運行多個賬戶的完美解決方案

Cryptocurrency trading robbery reappears 3.5 million cash settlement was robbed and locked office

Cryptocurrency trading robbery reappears 3.5 million cash settlement was robbed and locked office Today, a 33-year-old female seller traded 450,000 Tether (USDT) with a buyer in Kwun Tong for the fourth time, worth about HK$3.5 million. When she received the cash, three men with knives and sticks suddenly broke into the scene , Cash and mobile phones were robbed, and later locked in the office.  The buyer and the robber boarded the van and escaped. Later, the female victim used another mobile phone to call her husband for help, and was later rescued after calling the police. According to sources, the victim has been trading USDT for a period of time, and there have been 3 transactions with the "buyer", each with an amount of about 600,000 to 700,000 Hong Kong dollars. The place of the transaction is suspected to be a short-term lease, and the prisoner may have been deployed for a period of time. At present, the police classifies the case as a "robbery", but no one h...

全新設計 MacBook Pro 將在今年秋季發布會亮相

近日,郭明錤以及台灣供應鏈爆出消息,2021 年,蘋果 MacBook Pro 產品線將迎來重大產品更新,包括功能和設計層面。 新款 MacBook 將具有以下特性: 更窄邊框,兩款機型,分別是 14 寸和 16 英寸 機新機型頂蓋與底部取消弧度設計,改採用類似 iPhone 12 的平面直角設計 恢復 MagSafe 磁吸式充電接頭設計 移除 Touch Bar 觸控條,恢復實體功能按鍵 新機全部採用 Apple Silicon 自有處理器 配備更多種類 I/O,大部分使用者可能不需要再額外採購轉接器 外觀設計方面,MacBook Pro 會採用類似於 iPhone 12 的直角邊設計,方方正正的更具立體感。至於觸控條,Gurman 表示蘋果只是測試沒有觸控條的 MacBook Pro,而天風國際證券分析師郭明錤則很確定的表示,下一代 MacBook Pro 將移除 Touch Bar。 Gurman 的曝光中最引人注目的是下一代 MacBook Pro 確認支援 MagSafe,設計上類似於之前 Macbook 上的 MagSafe 充電口,這意味著下一代 MacBook Pro 將繼續配備 USB-C 接口,在 MagSafe 接口一側會提供 2 個 USB-C 接口,另外一側也會有 2 個 USB-C 接口。同時, Gurman 提到,重回 MagSafe 可以實現更快的充電速度。 郭明錤表示,全新設計 MacBook Pro 將在第三季度亮相,佔據 2021 年 MacBook 總出貨量的 60–70%。最後,Gurman 表示,蘋果正在計劃重新設計 MacBook Air,只是可能要等到下一代全新 MacBook Pro 發布後才會推出,至於新一代的 MacBook Pro 什麼時候發布呢?有爆料稱是在今年年底,確實還有點久,具體發佈時間還有待考證。 更多閱讀: 如何在手機上安裝多個LINE

Passing iMac to change the design   Mac Pro reduces the size by half

It is rumored that Apple will bid farewell to the classic appearance that has not changed for ten years, and launch the newly designed iMac and Mac Pro. The Mac Pro will abandon the Touch Bar, the iMac will bid farewell to its classic metal frame chin, and will abandon the Intel chip instead. Own Apple Silicon M1 processor. It is reported that the new generation of all-in-one desktop computers iMac will be redesigned and equipped with Apple Silicon processors, code-named J456 and J457, to replace the two old models of 27-inch and 21.4-inch using Intel chips. . In appearance, it will bid farewell to the classic iMac metal frame chin, and the original back curve will be changed to a flat design.  The overall appearance will be similar to Apple's Pro Display XDR monitor, with a narrow frame display with an L-shaped tripod. . In terms of performance, speed, webcams, and matte nano coatings will be added to the display. At the same time, the news pointed out that the Mac Pro will adopt ...